I think it’s safe to say, in regards to the following statement, that there is little debate. Zoe Saldana is sexy. She is. I don’t know what she does, or how she does it, but she turns my head pretty damn fast. So when she gets her own movie where she is kicking butt and being a bad ass, my response is, “sure, why not”. And I have a feeling that’s exactly what the producers are hoping for as well. Thus, the movie with the clunky name, “Colombiana” is made.
Oh hi, reader.
Conan is not exactly a difficult movie to make. In fact, I think it would be safe to say that its the easiest movie for directors to make. Seriously, find a muscular man, give him a sword and tell him to swing a sword in front of the camera. It’s not like the dude has to portray emotions or get the audience to feel sympathy. It’s not Hamlet, or Richard the Third, or Superman or anything like that. It’s Conan.
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